
Download software openoffice 3.2.1 org Gratis

OpenOffice 3.2 open source software is now present and ready for download, with faster startup, additional compatibility with other Office programs, and several new features, particularly in programs Calc spreadsheet. In the same time, the OpenOffice.org team is conducting the 10th anniversary and has claimed that it was etrdapat 300 million downloads of OpenOffice software since they first launched. They said, only in the account after a year of launching, OpenOffice 3 has been more than a third dwonload users from central servers.
According to the OpenOffice team in his article, components OpenOffice Calc and Writer 3.2 has been reduced so that the startup time could be that 46 percent faster than version 3.0. Free open source software OpenOffice 3.2 also supports Open Document Format (ODF) 1.2, such as the ability to open password protected file in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. OpenOffice Calc 2.3 program also has a more diverse choice of cell border, improvisation autofill, the extension to copy and paste functions in Calc, and so forth.

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6 Responses to “Download software openoffice 3.2.1 org Gratis”

Unknown :

yg bnr offece gratis th boleh th ,txstasinfonya

4 Agustus 2010 pukul 01.37

cak nun :

aj..di coba aja sob

4 Agustus 2010 pukul 01.41

Blogger Templates Colorizetemplates.com :

mantap kang....bisa di coba nih...

maaf ya kang baru sempat berkunjung

4 Agustus 2010 pukul 03.12

admin :

ok kang blogger..

4 Agustus 2010 pukul 08.20


ok ok...follow sukses...ty atas infonya...

6 Agustus 2010 pukul 19.15

Sandy Bispal :

Good Your Blog...

21 Agustus 2010 pukul 01.12

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