
Tutorial Rubik ukuran 4 x 4

After yesterday I have a tutorial Rubik 3 x 3. Now I try to share a friend about this tutorial a 4 x 4 .. Simply because I can not make a word - the word. Previously we reviewed a little about the size of 4 x 4 Rubik.

Rubik's Cube or a shortened course, is a chain puzzle (a puzzle that is) mechanical cube where each side is divided into 16 small pieces boxed boxed-who have the same color group prefix for each side (white, red, blue , orange, green and yellow) and can be rotated so as to produce a random boxed-boxed on each side. How to play it is to randomize the boxed-boxed and returned it to the sides of the truth according to color groups.
  1. tutorial bagian pertama
  2. Tutorial bagian kedua
  3. Tutorial bagian ketiga
NB : if you can friends had previously shall have IDM

hai sobat ayo gabung di facebook blog ini bersama dengan ribuan sahabat lain

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1 Responses to “Tutorial Rubik ukuran 4 x 4”

Insanitis37 (BLog Durang Duraring) :

menarik mas...cuma sayang sy gak punya. Ada yang mau kasih gak ya? hehe

27 Juli 2010 pukul 18.46

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